Tuesday, April 8, 2014

German Military, 20 and 21st Century

German Military

World War I
  • Germany's plan to deal with Franco-Russian alliance was called the Schlieffen plan.
  • Germany attacked France through Belgium to avoid defenses.

  • Germans were defeated.
  • 3 years of trench warfare.

  • Germany's navy was mostly bottled up by the more powerful British navy
  • Germany starts using U-boats to sink merchant ships
  • As a result America declares war in 1917

  • Spring of 1918 brought the Spring Offensive
  • Germans had four offensives code-named Michael, Georgette, Gneisenau, and Bluecher-Yorck

  • Allies push backed against germans
  • Germany signs armistice in November 1918

  • Treaty of Versilles restricted Germany's military
  • 150,000 men (50,000 in Navy)
  • 24 ships
  • No tanks, heavy artillery, or Airforce 
  • Followed treaty besides training soldiers secretly in the Soviet Union

  • In 1933 the Nazi party came to power
  • Immediately began strengthening the military
  • Hitler established the Luftwaffe, a new air force
  • No force used except for Spanish Civil War
  • Germany begins with blitzkrieg invasions in 1939-1940
  • Germany invades Soviet Union in 1941
  • Hilter tried to maintain living standards, put off full mobilization of economy until 1942

  • 1942 proved to be turning point
  • 1943 brought a loss to Germany at Stalingrad
  • North Africa, Sicily, and southern Italy were taken by Allies 
  • Hitler refused to surrender as both Allied forces and Russians pushed into Germany
  • He committed suicide as the last of his forces were defeated

Cold War (1945-1989)

  • Nuremberg Trials of 1945-1949
  • During the cold war Germany is split into occupation zones
  • Bundeswehr established in 1955 and grew to a strength of 495,000 military and 170,000 civilians
  • Cooperation between each military resulted in new tactics and technology for both sides
  • East Germany saw the introduction of the Nationale Volksarmee in 1956
  • Was volunteer army until 1962 
  • At its peak in 1987 it had 175,300 troops
  • 1989 the NVA rejected communism and led to the Collapse of East Germany

 Current Military

  • The "Treaty on the final settlement with respect to Germany led to reducing forces to 370,000
  • Bundeswehr took on parts of the NVA after reunification 
  • First offensive conflict since WWII came in 1999, the war on Yugoslavia in Kosovo
  • In 2000 women were allowed to join the Bundeswehr
  • Mostly involved in peace keeping missions
  • Deployed around 2250 troops to Afghanistan
  • In 2011/12 a reform of the military was announced, as of 2012 personal was down to 192,000

Sources :

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